Teen Future is a website full of useful information about college application and interesting opportunities for young people. It is created by Stefani Naydenova. The website also includes educational videos on a wide range of exciting topics.
The goal of this website is to help high schoolers around the world get access to more educational resources and feel less stressed out about requirements for different colleges and what they can be doing to prepare.

SAT, extracurriculars, specific requirements for colleges in the U.S + a lot more to come…..
More aptitude tests, statements of purpose, specific requirements for colleges in Europe + a lot more to come…
European Youth Parliament, the RISE Challenge, summer programs, volunteering ideas….
Meetings with all kinds of interesting people such as experts in specific fields + college counselors will be organised. They will share their life experiences, tips for applying to colleges, as well as more interesting opportunities for ambitious teenagers. Meeting logistics and speaker information will be posted here on the website.
Frequently Asked Questions
If your native language isn’t English, and if English hasn’t been the main language of instruction at your school, then you will have to take an English-proficiency exam. More information about such exams can be found on the pages about individual universities in the U.S. here on this website.
Colleges do allow other school officials to submit necessary documents if you don’t have college counselors at your school. However, make sure that they don’t miss important deadlines. Normally, they would be required to send an official transcript of your grades throughout high school. Most universities require 2 recommendation letters from your teachers, preferably ones who know you well and have taught you in your final years of high school.
"The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you" - B.B.King

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you” – B.B.King