Интересни възможности

Европейски младежки парламент 

The European Youth Parliament is a non-profit organization which encourages young people to be be active citizens and take part in cultural understanding. Sessions are organised and you can start out by being a delegate and move to official roles later on. Official roles include being a chairperson (leading a team of delegates), a media team member, a jury member (evaluating the performance of the delegates), an organise (organise a conference, which includes fundraising, securing venues and accommodation, food, etc.) Each session also has a leadership team, consising of the President(oversees the chairpersons and Vice-presidents), Editor (oversees the media team members and editorial assistants), Head of Jury (oversees the jury members), and Head Organiser (oversees the organisers and the rest of the leadership team). The members platform is very helpful because you can see future sessions there and apply for different positions when there are open calls. You’ll get to travel and meet fantastic people. 

Полезни фейсбук групи за Европейски младежки парламент


RISE е програма, която предлага предимства до живот на хора между 15 и 17 годишна възраст, които искат да направят света едно по-добро място и са готови да работят усилено. 

Летни програми

Програма за гимназисти от Колумбийския университет

Лятна програма от Йейл за гимназисти

Летни програми от Чикагския университет

Летни програми от Имперски колеж Лондон

Бокони лятна програма

Кингс Колидж Лондон летни програми

Stanford Summer Session

Boston University Summer Programs

Davidson College

John Hopkins Summer Programs

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Summer Programs

Inspirit AI

Rustic Pathways (environmetnal program)

Arts University Bournemouth(portfolio preparation summer courses for Creative Arts)

Summer Research School for Mathematics and Informatics

American University in Bulgaria Summer Program

Teo Foundation - Summer Programs in Applied Maths & Physics